Koster Keunen has the capacity of manufacturing custom wax blends, helping in the development of raw materials and finished products, improving performance while reducing handling, assisting in inventory control, and providing cost effective offsets in various industries and applications. Our customized blends of Natural and Petroleum Wax blends are available in the following formats:
- Pastilles
- Granules
- Slabs
- Bulk (Jumbo bags, Bulk Liquid) batch sizes 5,000-20,000kgs
- Liquid in ISO Containers or full tanker trucks
We manufacture under GMP conditions with an in-house quality control laboratory that is second to none. We are Certified Kosher and a Certified Organic Processor with a long history of providing these services. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements for your custom wax needs. Typical Applications Include: Our services are used to convert a bulk liquid into a pastille, granule, or slab. This can be used in general industry for coatings & blends, food, dental, or cosmetics.

Pastillator Conveyor

Pastillating Wax